Sunday, April 19, 2015

Call for Northeast Area Officers from NEA Secretary

If you are interested, please contact a member of the nominating committee.
Hello Everyone:

I am hoping by now you have received and read my first email.  As I mentioned in that email you will be receiving quite a few notices/emails from us regarding Northeast Area happenings.

We have 2 Vice President positions open on your NEA Executive Board.  Bud McCormick and Tom Rec will not be running for a 2nd term as they are moving in a different life direction.  They will be missed but we wish them well in their future direction.  Both Bud and Tom will continue in their positions until our business meeting to be held at the 2015 NEA Rally in July.  The new VPs will begin their duties at the conclusion of the NEA Rally.

We are asking you to please forward this information to your membership in a timely manner.  We would appreciate any one interested in running for one of these vacant positions to get in touch with me by email/phone or contact a member of the nominating committee (listed below).

Fred Linberk - Bussin Buddies - fjl57@

Sandie ZernBussin Buddie -

Harley Soulia - Green Mountain Chapter - hsoulia@

There is no experience required for holding a position on the board, just enthusiasm and a willingness to have fun.  So please consider this opportunity to support your Northeast Area. 

Thank you,

Donna Merlino, NEA Secretary
o/b/o The NEA Executive Board

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