Friday, October 1, 2021

September Rally highlights


Hi folks,

Our September rally returned to Cambria and the Volunteer Fire Company. As you know, Harold was not feeling well. He planned to come and go depending on how he felt. Sadly, he did not make it to the rally as he passed away on Thursday afternoon. We lost a good friend, dedicated member and officer.

Not only did we loose Harold, but we lost two more friends: Delores Flick and Wilbur Shafer. AND—there was a memorial ceremony  for Joan Pangburn.  REST IN PEACE TO YOU ALL!

Monday night, Bob Lucey and Roger Flick presented proceeds of the “pound auction” to Harold’s son and nephew, Bill. We got a very nice thank you from Harold’s son.

The rest of us tried to put on a good time. Our officers put out food and a pound auction. Dave Metzger was auctioneer. Bob Lucey put on a number of fun games. He made a “traveling miniature golf course” which we used. FUN!

September was our election of officers and planning for next year. Janet Barager stepped in to replace Harold as treasurer. Thanks, Janet. Barb Eggleston may have been dragged in by me. She reluctantly agreed to remain Secretary. Thank you, Barb. Thanks to the rest who are staying on with us.

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