Sunday, October 18, 2020

October Lunch Highlights

October 11 was our October get together, and we headed for Peppermint’s Restaurant in Avon, NY.  20 of us showed up and many spent two hours talking about the summer and planning for the winter. Nick started us off with a prayer.

National Director, Patty Pritchard described some happenings in the Northeast Area and the National FMCA.

·                     She presented a slate of candidates for the FMCA nominating committee. We voted and elected Jim Duncan from the southeast area.

·                     Chubb Insurance replaced Seven Corners for FMCA Assist Oct 1st. This enables over $300,000 in savings to FMCA and the organizational budget is now a surplus.

·                     Rally’s are planned for Perry, GA and Gillette, WY. Patty plans to attend both. She encourages everyone to write Jon Walker to drop the FMCA dues from $75. This will be voted by the governing board during the July, 2021 Rally.

·                     Right now, NEAR 2021 will probably cost over $300.

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