Saturday, August 31, 2019

More on the Dues increase

I hope you received the following email from FMCA President Jon Walker. Dues are going to $75 per year effective August 29th, immediately. If you have prepaid, the increase will be effective when you renew.
Just a few thoughts:
  • It seems the governing board forgot the 2016 dues increase of $10/family to pay for FMCA Assist. Yet, in this July, we heard FMCA spent $2.1 Million of reserves to pay for the insurance since. All this to cover 180 recipients. Was it a plan poorly executed or a poor plan? 
  • That means dues are up 87% since 2016! Pres. Walker mentions 73% but excludes the 2016 increase.
  • FMCA Assist is now 47% of your dues for the one benefit. That's $35/year - using the 2016 baseline.
  • What are the chances, we will see another increase as soon as this contract expires?
Whatever you choose to do in the future, our membership expires in 2021. Maybe, I will get new math by then.

If you check the President's post above, it appears Walker was not fully in favor of the increase. He is being a "good soldier" of the Governing Board.

I just wanted to give you one person's opinion. I welcome your opinion.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Walker, FMCA National President
To: troule
Sent: Thu, Aug 29, 2019 3:08 pm
Subject: Important Notice Regarding Your FMCA Membership

Dear Fellow FMCA Member,
During the Governing Board meeting on August 14, 2019, in Minot, North Dakota, board members voted to raise FMCA annual membership dues to $75 per year ($85 for the first year). The reason for the increase is to save the FMCAssist Medical Emergency and Travel Assistance Program, described as FMCA’s flagship benefit. This change takes effect August 29, 2019.

Why was the FMCAssist Medical Emergency and Travel Assistance program in jeopardy? And why the sudden need for this dues increase?
The benefit provider passed along a 73 percent price increase to FMCA for fiscal year 2020. This new increase resulted in a substantial budget deficit for FMCA, which is a not-for-profit, member-owned organization.

What does this mean for members?
FMCA membership remains a great bargain. FMCA is the only RV club to offer an emergency medical and travel assistance program as part of the dues structure.  Similar programs on the open market can cost several hundred dollars for an individual plan alone. The FMCA plan, included with dues, covers primary and secondary members, plus their dependent children. FMCA members receive this great program as part of their annual dues, plus so many other fantastic benefits. 
How do I learn more?
To learn more about your Governing Board's decision to increase club dues, I encourage you to read my letter posted online or click below to access a PDF of the letter. A copy of this letter will also be included in a future issue of Family RVing magazine. 
I appreciate your commitment to FMCA. Because of members like you, we truly have the best RV club in the world. Thank you for your membership.
Jon Walker
Jon Walker, F268778

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