We had a great rally at Cambria. 18 RV’s
came, including Barbara and Ed Smith, NE Area President, who joined our
Most exciting, we had members who we
haven’t seen in several years come. Welcome back, Ron and Pat Szustakowski, Gary and Sharon Davignon. Charles Nemec,
Robert Lucey, J.D. Miller (all have rejoined).
Also, George and Millie Worden visited
for our Saturday meeting.
It gave us a chance to present them with a “Certificate of Appreciation” for their efforts making the Fingerlakers a valuable part of the growth of the Northeast Area.
We elected a slate of officers and had our second Senior Olympics. Gary
Davignon was the big winner of the Olympics, while Dave Metzger got a lottery ticket with some winning numbers.
Below is Sharon's secretary's report.
Fingerlakers Rally at
the Cambria Fire Hall
September 13-16, 2018
Tom Roule opened the meeting with the Pledge of
Allegiance. He then thanked Wes and
Janet Barager for the breakfast.
Guests present: Ron
and Pat Szustakowski, Gary and Sharon Davignon. Charles Nemec, Robert Lucey,
J.D. Miller (all have rejoined). Also,
present NEAVP Barbara Smith and husband Ed (they have also joined).
Gene Struble broke his hip in August – they will not be
going west this winter. Don and Jeanette
Parks – neither are doing well – please keep them in your thoughts. Randalls have sold their motorhome. Had a moment od silence for Nancy Anten who
passed this summer. Ken and Barb
Eggleston are in Hershey, Pa. They are
trying to trade their motorhome.
Secretary’s report was in the newsletter. Treasurer’s report – we have approximately
$2300. No updates on the National
Director’s report.
Barbara Smith said FMCA has 76,470 members of which 2800 are
non-motorhome members. Treasury for NEAR
is $61,100. Hoping to go back to
Syracuse next year (7/24-28/2019). Gave
an update on changes to the venue.
National is hoping to come east again for an international.
Barbara Smith presented a Certificate of Appreciation to George
and Millie Worden for their many years of service to the Fingerlakers
Chapter. The certificate was signed by
Barbara Smith, Thomas Roule and John Pangburn (National Director).
New Business: Slate
of officers for 2019 was presented by acting secretary Sharon Roule: President: Tom Roule, Vice-President: Wes
Barager, Treasurer: Harold Wollaber, Secretary: Barbara Eggleston, National
Director: John Pangburn, Alternate National Director: Jim Anten, Newsletter Editor:
Walt Linden. No nominations from the
floor – the acting secretary cast one vote for the slate.
Rallies for 2019:
Davignons will do May rally, Pangburns the June rally in Himrod, July
will be the NEA Rally, Lindens will do August, Baragers the September rally,
and October at Cambria.
This October (2018) will be lunch on Saturday the 13th,
at the Fingerlakes Race Track.
A coupon for $15 will be given to each coach with dues paid
for 2019.
Motion made to adjourn.
Respectfully submitted,
Sharon Roule, Acting Secretary
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