Saturday, September 16, 2017

45th Anniversary Highlights

Our 45th Anniversary celebration returned to Cambria Fireman's Field in Cambria, NY with the officers hosting. Harold Wollaber has spent 55 years helping turn this venue into a great place to have a rally (not to mention "tractor pulls") and more.
We had 22+/- campers show up for our PARTY. We had classic 70's music, one mini skirt, some dancing, good food and more. 


Every officer pitched in making delicacies for each meal.
Thank you, Barb, Ken, John, Joan, Wes, Janet, Nancy, Jim, Harold, and especially SHARON. You folks are fantastic.
Barbara Smith (NEA President) presented the chapter with a 45th anniversary certificate.
Barbara and Ed were here for the entire rally. And...Jim and Pat Sennett (NEA Treasurer) were there.
Niagara Frontier Travelers had 6 members helping us celebrate after they were so helpful during NEAR in Syracuse.
We hope you had as much fun as I did.

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