Tuesday, December 8, 2015

2016 International News

Bob Mills, NEA Vice President responsible for volunteers has asked if Fingerlakers would man the FMCA Store at the International. It appears that about 20 folks are needed to do a good job and keep the work load for each person down. 
If you are thinking of going, please consider helping.
Below is part of his note.  Contact Bob Mills at the email or phone below or me to volunteer.
Thank you,
I have been working on the volunteer assignments for the National Convention in West Springfield MA, August 3-7, 2016.
I was wondering if you would take responsibility for the FMCA Store supported by the Fingerlakers Chapter. 
Please look it over and let me know how you feel about it. You can respond by e-mail to fourwindsbob@gmail.com or phone my US cell at 813-395-3679. There is a lot of enthusiasm about this event from all sources so it very encouraging. I think that it will turn out to be a great success.

Bob Mills

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