Friday, June 27, 2014

June Rally Highlights

There were 19 of us who showed up for our June rally at Krull Park in Olcott Beach for a great weekend hosted by Roger and Delores Flick (and Nick). Lots of help was supplied by Gary and Sharon Davignon, and many more.  We were on the edge of Lake Ontario with great views from sun-up to sun-set. There was no extra charge to show up on Thursday, so most did. Nick was
responsible for the weather and he came through.

Olcott Beach has a “street of shops” with unique crafts, art and jewelry.

We had 2 nights of dinner in great local restaurants, and Saturday the Flicks supplied ½ chickens while the rest of us supplied our culinary sides and desserts.  Donna Struble supplied a birthday cake to help celebrate Gene’s 80th.  Breakfast was highlighted by breakfast pizza, rolls and donuts on Saturday and a continental breakfast Sunday. I would be remiss if I did not mention the part the wind played – it blew over the table storing the coffee and condiments on Saturday. Lost about 75 cups of coffee, much of it on Dorothy Taylor. Fortunately, warm clothing, shoes and lots of ice helped protect her from injury.

Saturday night was highlighted by an RV’ing toys auction hosted by Gene Struble.

Thanks to Roger, Delores, Nick and all their helpers for a great weekend and we hope to return to Olcott soon.

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