Monday, May 19, 2014

June Rally

Our June rally is all set, we head for Olcott beach on Lake Ontario where Roger, Delores Flick, and Nick are planning a great weekend.  It will be dry camping but that’s one way to keep the cost down.
There are TWO tabs above with more information -
  • One has the agenda
  • The other has the application.
These are also in the newsletter.

Should you want to print out the agenda of the application from the tab above, here's the trick: 
  • "Block" the text to print. To "block", move the cursor to the start of text you want to print. Hold down the "left mouse" key and drag to the end of text you want to print. The chosen text will change background color. Screen should look similar to the above:
  • Next, bring up a printer screen by pressing and holding the 'Ctrl' key and pressing 'p'.
  • Click on 'Selection' to print just what you 'blocked'.
Now the screen will look similar to the one below:

  •  Once you are set, click on "OK" and your selection should print.
Remember, if you don't want to fool around with this procedure, you can print the information from the newsletter.
You can view any image full screen by clicking on it.

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