Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Linden's first trip report.

Walt and Beryl checked in with the following information from their first week of travel.
October 10, 2013 - We attended a FMCA Fingerlakers Chapter rally in Hammondsport, New York.  While there we went to the Glen Curtis Museum.  Very interesting. Got gasoline at Tops for $3.299 with our 40 cent discount.
October 13th - Drove to Erie, Pennsylvania, and stopped for the night. Ate dinner and got gasoline at Sams Club for $3.24.9 a gallon.
October 14th - Drove to Marysville, Ohio, Where we stopped for lunch and at Walmart  for gasoline.  $3.149 a gallon.  Every time we stop the price goes down a little.  Hope this trend continues.  It’s a far cry from the $3.65 we paid at home. So far our trip has been uneventful.
October 15th - Beryl and I stopped at the Onondaga Cave State Park in Leasburg, Missouri, to visit Mike and Vi Downie who are camp ground hosts in the park.  We first met Mike and Vi when they were volunteers at Padre Island National Seashore while we were hosting there.  (When we leave this year they will replace us as camp hosts.)    
Onondaga Cave State Park is a nice little park about 8 miles off I-44.  The cave was closed for the season.  We saw lots of deer.  Two kept hanging around our campsite.
The deer are very small compared to the ones around Avon.  Also, saw a flock of turkeys wandering around the park.
Went to dinner at the “Missouri Hick  Bar-B-Q restaurant.  Second best ribs you’ll find anywhere.  First best are at Michael Bobs in Naples, Florida.
October 17th - Headed for Branson, Missouri and on the way stopped in Marshfield, Missouri, and at Walmart we got our first gasoline under $3.00 at Walmart.  I hope the price keeps going down.
Arrived in Branson where we stayed at the Pea Patch RV Park.  The park is right in the center of all the Branson Show activity and they except Passport, Escapees and Golden Age Passport all at half price.  Last year when we stayed there we had some trouble getting into a site and vowed never to go back.  Since it’s in the middle of the entertainment district we decided to check and see if things had improved.  It turned out things were much better.
In two days we saw four great shows.  The Acrobats of China show was outstanding. It’s unbelievable what those kids can do. 
The Neal McCoy show was excellent as was the Barry Williams show.  Williams was on the “Partridge Family” TV show.
We went to see the “Ron and Kay Rivoli Revue” now called “A Heapin’ Spoonful”. We met Ron and Kay in Gillette, Wyoming and became instant friends.  Ron is from Gates, NY.  They do a great show and after the show we had a chance to visit.
We book all our shows with Michelle at “All Access Branson”.  She does a great job helping to pick out shows to see and gets great seats.  We highly recommend her.

Walt Linden

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