Thursday, August 28, 2014

More news from Redmond

Charles Marston directs the Frustrated Maestros at many area and national rallies, including NEAR, 2014.
Roxie, his wife sent us the following:

I inquired from a Maestro at Redmond...and Syracuse was approved, 2016!!  Yeah!  Chas will not do NEAR 15 as we are doing GLAMA, early in June ends and the Madison. These were approved by the GB Redmond:
2016 Winter @ Perry
2016 summer @Syracuse, NY
2017 winter @ Pamona
Yes, they were approved.  Some changes might take place, especially the National Directors asked that an alternative to Pomona be considered.


By the way, he will directing in Madison, WS at the 2015 International.  Charlie Adcock specifically asked for him.

Monday, August 18, 2014

News from NMA President, Tom Ziobrowski

Great News. We got this over the weekend from Tom Ziobrowski.

FMCA Assist voted "IN" at the governing board meeting, after many questions and lengthy discussions during the meeting.

A very great benefit to current members as well as perspective members.


Thursday, August 14, 2014

August Rally Highlights

This month, Walt and Beryl Linden hosted a weekend in their back yard surrounded by the Avon Corn Festival.  We ate at the Golden Corral, the Country Diner, had catered pulled pork and turkey, a full breakfast, played games in his yard and burned his fire wood.  All this was done in spectacular weather in spite of the rain before we arrived. Walt’s new generator supplied the electricity we needed.

After rain, grass yards can have this tendency to jump up and bite a camper. This year it happened to Les and Betty Sliker. They thought they got stuck coming in and guess what, they got really stuck. Buried the left rear jack about 6-8 inches. Roy manned the shovel to get the jack out. Fortunately, Harold hooked trailer hitches to his car and was able to get the coach loose.
Washer Toss
Enlarge Picture by clicking on it

There was a first appearance of a Roy and Annie’s completely transformed SEE-YA.  “WOW”!

Welcome new members - Jim and Charlene McSweeney.

It all was a fun weekend !

September Rally

There is information about the September rally on the TAB's above. Look's like fun. Please check out the agenda and application.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Coffee Pot Update

As those who were at the rally in Olcott, NY know, our 25th anniversary coffee pot did a swan dive off the table holding it.
Parts were available, but not the same as our 15+ year old pot. After a couple of false starts, we have combined parts from the web and hardware store plumbing adapters.
I am enjoying a "delicious cup of hot vinegar" right now.
Check it out this weekend.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Harborfest July Rally

Harborfest has turned into a major event with 93 +/- campers coming. It was now a joint rally with the New York Centrals, Pen-NY Mixers and Vintage Bluebirds.
The mayor of Oswego, Charlie Adcock (FMCA President) and Tom Ziobrowski (NEA vice president) visited. A cloud burst on Monday damped us but not our spirits. 

Fingerlakers play a major part as Harold Wollaber, the Sprouts, and Wordens along with rest of us worked through the weekend (5 days) to help make it a success.  Fingerlakers continue to have one of the largest representations and our tent is what made the rally possible. We had a fish fry, pizza dinner and breakfast every morning along with Harborfest and all its entertainment and craft shows


JIM and SHERRY MILLER conceived the to come to Harborfest and continue to lead us each time we have done this. 

Pictures may be viewed full screen by clicking on one.